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Thank you for reviewing the event website and our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any additional please contact us here.
Race Waiver
In consideration of my participation in the Newport Marathon and Half-Marathon on 10/13/2024 (the “Event”), I, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators do hereby waive and release any and all rights, claims and causes of action I have or may have against the Gray Matter Marketing, LLC, Amica Mutual Insurance Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, the city of Newport, the town of Middletown, Fort Adams State Park, the State of Rhode Island, the R.I. Department of Environmental Management, the towns of Newport and Middletown, Rhode Island, their agents, employees, all event sponsors, volunteers, race officials, organizers, as well as any other association connected with this event, its representatives, successors and assigns (“Event Organizers”) that may arise as a result of my participation in the Event. I further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Event Organizers from and against any and all personal injuries, damages, losses, causes of action, liabilities and expenses resulting or which may result from my participation in the Event on 10/13/2024 and/or the condition of the raceway, property, facilities or equipment used for the Event. I also grant full permission to all Event Organizers to store, use, license and reproduce the use of my name, likeness, voice, image, motion pictures, recordings or photograph of me, in any media or in any manner, including any electronic media for any legitimate commercial or business purposes, including advertising purposes. In consideration of this entry being accepted, I hereby for myself, heirs, executors, administrators, waive and release any and all right and claim for damages I may have against the Event Organizers for any and all injuries suffered by me at said Event or while traveling to or returning therefrom, save those proximately caused by the willful tortuous acts of the Event Organizers. In addition, I hereby acknowledge that I am 18 years of age or older or, if applicable, that I am the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 18 who I am registering for the Event. I recognize the risks involved in my participation in the Event and do hereby expressly assume all known and unknown risks. I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this Event.
Registration Policies
Gray Matter Marketing is a small business dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle with charitably focused events that highlight the communities we are fortunate to call hosts cities.
We are not able to offer refunds. However we do offer any registered runners the opportunity to request a race credit for your full value. Detailed information below.
Extreme Weather Policy
The oceanside course is exposed to wind and the elements. Runners should monitor the weather leading up to race day and prepare accordingly.
Our events are held rain or shine. However, there is always the potential for extreme or severe weather conditions. Race organizers will do as much as we can to ensure the experience is as safe as possible. In the event of severe weather, the race may be delayed as race officials consult public safety officers. If there is more than a short delay, if conditions persist, or the forecast calls for extreme weather, race officials reserve the right to alter or cancel the race. We do not schedule “rain dates”. Any decision to cancel an event is done as an absolute last resort and is made collectively with local risk management, police, fire & rescue, and medical personnel as appropriate. In such situations, there will be NO REFUNDS as registrants accept any such risk of their entry fee when signing up.
Please check the website, our Facebook page, and your email before the race for any changes or cancellations.